Student Registration
All Texas College Bridge students must self-register using the URLs below.
Students studying Math only:
Students studying English only:
https://texascollegebridge.nrocportal.org/register?institution=235901&products=MjM1OTAxX2Njcl8yMy0yNA==,MjM1OTAxX2VuZ2xpc2hfMjMtMjQ=Students studying both Math and English:
Note: All students see the same set of dropdown menus when registering, regardless of the subject(s) they are studying. This means that even students signing up to study only math will see the “Section: English” dropdown. If a student is not studying that subject, they should ignore that dropdown option.
Selecting a value in that dropdown does not sign a student up to study that subject. Make sure students use the correct URL for the subject(s) they need. An additional subject can be added later by an administrator or instructor (see details below).
Supporting Students
If a student is stuck or needs help, you and your staff can handle many student support issues on your own.
Add a Subject to a Student Account | Students cannot add a subject to their own account, but an administrator or instructor can.
Student Access Issues | Confirm an account, reset a password, etc.
Update Student Categories | If the user cannot see the student because of incorrect categories, students can edit their own category values. Student Instructions: Add or Change Your Class Section or High School Assignment.
Stage 2 should automatically unlock for students once they reach a score of 90 for Stage 1. If it does not, you can manually unlock the Stage.
The NROC Project is a nonprofit organization collaborating with education leaders to change the way college and career readiness is approached and supported. In partnership with Texas College Bridge, The NROC Project is facilitating the implementation of EdReady, a personalized math and English learning platform.
The NROC Project | PO Box 28818, Scottsdale, AZ 85255